Hi my name is Diana, and I am a direct speaking, honest psychic with over 20 years’ experience in giving psychic readings. In a first time reading with me I will introduce myself and ask you to introduce yourself, I will then ask you what kind of reading you would like me to look at for you. While you are doing that, it will usually give me enough time to pick up on your energy and voice vibration. I will then ask you to clear your mind and focus on your questions.
I have psychic sight and can see auras. Through your aura and voice vibrations I am often able to get some kind of a picture of what is going on around you and if you are relaxed and your mind is open, it is often easier for me to pick up on your past and present situations. I sometimes use my cards to give me further insight. I love giving people guidance and insight and being able to feel that I have served a purpose in offering you guidance on your chosen life path.
Meeting people and being able to inspire them and to be given the chance to provide possible options in their sometimes difficult situations is extremely rewarding for me and I love nothing better than seeing/hearing somebody relax when they realise they actually have a potentially wide variety of choices. I care deeply for all of my clients and being able to offer guidance gives me a sense of great achievement.
During my spare time I enjoy doing stain glass and mosaics, I love movies and music. I also really enjoy spending time with my nearest and dearest and my dogs.
For an inspiring, direct reading give me a call today.