Dream Analysis

Steven B | Pin: 7164
I am a natural psychic, medium and able to work with my guides to bring you the insight that you need.
My favorite tool is my mind; I can work with no tools/freehand with my clairvoyant and clairaudient abilities and I can also work with angel, tarot and oracle cards. Some of my psychic skills include dream analysis, chakra balance and psychic development.
I am a kind, compassionate and understanding reader and ready to bring you insight and guidance to whatever may be troubling you.
Thank you
Status: Offline
Rating: 3.4286

Katie | Pin: 7234
Hi I’m Katie, I am a naturally gifted Psychic and Clairvoyant, I link in with you, my Spirit Guides and my cards to have an overall look at your situation.
I have been reading professionally for over 15 years, with many happy returning clients that come back to me time and time again. I give all my clients 100% when ever they speak to me.
I am a good listener, and you can ask as many questions you wish during your reading with me, and I will give you real answers and guidance moving forwards.
I can answers questions relating to love, relationships, friends, work or family – I understand that certain things can be a worry and that is why I am here, to help give you the answers and the closure you are looking for. It might be that romantic connection or you are wondering why they haven’t contacted you, or you want to know what they are thinking… or maybe about home family and career. Whatever the questions may be, I am here to give you that insight that you are looking for. I would be very happy to read for you and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Status: Offline
Rating: 4.6842

Shannon | Pin: 6820
My name is Shannon. I am a gentle, compassionate and empathic reader and I always see the positive in any situation. I read tarot, angel and oracle cards and use pendulum in my readings and use intuition to guide my clients. I have a keen interest and skills in astrology, numerology, crystal and colour therapy.
I have always been psychic but just assumed it was normal. It was only from my mid 20s onwards that I became more comfortable with it. I have been on retreats and had atonements and had very challenging life experiences. The main challenge for me was to have confidence in myself and my psychic abilities. I love my job and I love guiding people in their life journey. This type of work uses my best psychic skills.. Being articulate, sensitive, visual and friendly.
I can look into many situations, astrological personality analysis, compatibility between 2 parties using astrology or other tools and love and relationships and I get to the point very quickly.
In my spare time I love singing, drumming, walking, travelling and learning languages, camping, aqua aerobics and photography. Also updating my skills and going on retreats.
“God promises a safe landing not a safe journey”… Joyce Meyer
Status: Offline
Rating: 4.1429

Astara | Pin: 7064
Welcome! I am a natural psychic empath with over 30 years’ experience. I am a warm and welcoming individual instantly putting my clients at ease. I work with crystals, a variety of cards and pendulums alongside my natural psychic senses and my numerous guides. I deliver my readings in a compassionate, honest, non-judgemental manner and aim to leave my clients feeling positive and uplifted during and after their insightful reading. I have a wealth of life experience and wisdom and I like to read on any area of life and circumstance. I am a Reiki Master and Master Teacher and also a Crystal Therapist and Life Coach. I am also a Natural Intuitive Psychic Medium with Clairvoyant, Clairalient ,Clairaudient ,Claircognisant ,Clairsentient and Clairtangent abilities.
I love to connect with others to give guidance and spiritual healing; I have my own very busy private practice in Scotland. I find my work extremely rewarding and I am very grateful to be able to use my natural gifts to guide others.
I look forward to reading for you very soon!
Status: Offline
Rating: 5

Maureen | Pin: 6328
Hi, I’m Maureen. I see using my psychic senses and combine this with my angel cards throughout my readings.
My own personal experience of life has given me a lot of understanding, insight and empathy into my caller’s situations. Alongside 10 years of psychic wisdom gained from over 10 years of professional readings, I can work with your energy to hopefully point you in the right direction.
My readings cover many areas but my main focus is with love, relationships & career moves.
I believe wholeheartedly in my favourite quote; “we learn something new everyday”.
If you are looking for guidance within your own life path, or feel I could help you learn something new today. I will be looking forward to hearing from you. x
Status: Offline
Rating: 4.7143

Sibilla | Pin: 7301
I am a psychic from birth as were my mother and grandmother. I have been reading professionally for up to 10 years now and I have crafted and developed my skills to help provide insight and guidance to people who need it.
I am a natural psychic and absolutely love working with spirit guides. Some of my other skills consist of Angel Cards, Life Coaching, Psychic Development, Dream Analysis, Pendulum, Clairaudience, Clairsentience, Clairvoyance, Medium, Natural Psychic, Tarot, Reiki & Spiritual Healing and Crystals.
I am very upbeat and empathic and I do not just tell people what they want to hear. I go very deeply into a situation and I am very easy to talk to. I hope to speak to you soon!
Status: Offline
Rating: 4.1667

Ellen Leonard | Pin: 6077
Ellen tells us she has been using her Psychic senses all of her life, she regards herself as being in tune with animals’ and peoples’ emotions and feelings, and receives ultimate pleasure by guiding them towards the right path. Ellen is of Irish decent and has a naturally warm and welcoming personality and aims to put you at ease immediately.
Ellen’s areas of preference are in Love and Relationships and Dream analysis, she is also an Animal Communicator, and she can also use many tools including Crystals, Runes, Angel Cards, Tarot Cards and Pendulum. As she is reading for you, your energy will draw her to a specific tool to aid her in your reading. , giving her the ability to turn her hand to many different questions or situations that you may have using one or many of her senses and tools.
She adores the feeling of guiding people to choose the right path for themselves and to lead them to a life of contentment and well-being. After a reading with Ellen you will feel uplifted and motivated and she will guide you so that you see your choices for yourself and for the relevant areas of your life, leaving you feeling ready to tackle life with a new and positive outlook.
Status: Available
Rating: 3

Diana Hart
Hi my name is Diana, and I am a direct speaking, honest psychic with over 20 years’ experience in giving psychic readings. In a first time reading with me I will introduce myself and ask you to introduce yourself, I will then ask you what kind of reading you would like me to look at for you. While you are doing that, it will usually give me enough time to pick up on your energy and voice vibration. I will then ask you to clear your mind and focus on your questions.
I have psychic sight and can see auras. Through your aura and voice vibrations I am often able to get some kind of a picture of what is going on around you and if you are relaxed and your mind is open, it is often easier for me to pick up on your past and present situations. I sometimes use my cards to give me further insight. I love giving people guidance and insight and being able to feel that I have served a purpose in offering you guidance on your chosen life path.
Meeting people and being able to inspire them and to be given the chance to provide possible options in their sometimes difficult situations is extremely rewarding for me and I love nothing better than seeing/hearing somebody relax when they realise they actually have a potentially wide variety of choices. I care deeply for all of my clients and being able to offer guidance gives me a sense of great achievement.
During my spare time I enjoy doing stain glass and mosaics, I love movies and music. I also really enjoy spending time with my nearest and dearest and my dogs.
For an inspiring, direct reading give me a call today.

Richard C | Pin: 7125
You can really ask me anything, no question is too crazy for me and especially after being in the music industry and mixing with media, fashion etc in my 20s. I have had psychic abilities for as long as I can remember; I struggled to understand them during my childhood but accepted them in silence. However this all changed in my late 20s and for the past 12 years I have been guiding people to find insights through the aid of my psychic skills via the use of Tarot cards, which then developed into the skills of Hypnotherapy and Life coaching. Since I was 28 after being a songwriter/music producer, I became interested in becoming a holistic practitioner which I have done now for near 10 years with massage, energy healing etc. I am new to the psychic lines so this is exciting time for me as I have recently turned 40 years old so as they say life begins.
I am a no-nonsense psychic/tarot reader and natural spiritual healer. Some of my other psychic skills include Life Coaching, Dream Analysis, Numerology, Charkra Balance, Reiki Healing and Astrology. I am also a natural empath and work closely with my guides for additional insight.
Most of my clients ask for general overview of their life and where it is going in the next 6 months. I offer guidance and ideas and really get to the point of what they need, not going off into tangents. I am able to narrow down to weeks, giving insight into what may occur and also giving options of direction when multiple choices come up.
If you are looking for a down-to earth, Straightforward and direct reading, give me a call.
Status: Offline
Rating: 3.8571

Anistra | Pin: 4789
I’m Anistra and I have been a reader for over 50 years, I’m a psychic, astrologer, and third eye reader, I am also a Clairvoyant. My areas of forte are in love and relationship readings, providing guidance into your destiny and life path, as well as your career and work life. As a regular here at Psychic Now, I am often on hand to provide calm and positive readings. When you first enter a reading with me, I will give you my name and PIN number, before explaining how I work, and asking what it is you would like me to look into. I will then use my natural psychic abilities and crystals to try to tune into your situation. I often don’t use any tools, other than some crystals to provide energy to me during readings. Instead I prefer to use astrology and my natural psychic abilities, as I feel that this guides me to tune in much more quickly and deeply than using tools alone. My guide is my third eye, which communicates with me by clearing the way to your energy. This will then guide me into a connection with you, aiming to clear away any spiritual energy blockages.
Status: Offline
Rating: 4.35

Psychic Ellen | Pin: 6976
Hi, I’m Ellen, I’m an intuitive psychic, I specialise in working with crystals and their energies. Working with crystals, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, mediumship, cards and my guides I can give guidance and support in your life choices. I enjoy giving guidance on romance, relationships, career and family matters. I am a compassionate reader and my guides allow me to tune into the energy of others to sense their energies and emotions.
During a first time reading I will talk you through how I work, who my guides are and gain a connection and rapport to build their confidence in having a first reading with me. I feel I am different to most readers as the more I talk to a client, the more I can sense from them. I become very in tune’ my favourite tool to use is my Pendulum. It gives a simple yes or no that works well alongside my use of my cards and my natural abilities.
In my spare time I love being in nature. I love the countryside, ice-skating, horse riding, anything in the great outdoors.
My favourite most inspirational quote is “To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die” Thomas Campbell 1825.
Status: Offline
Rating: 4.6786

Marcus Starr
I inherited my psychic ability from a Romany Gypsy background, through generations of psychics in my family. I enjoy bringing through messages from my spirit guides to provide comfort and bring closure to my callers. Whilst having a reading with me, I will also send spiritual healing to those who want it. I’ve been working professionally for over 10 years and aim to guide my callers who have questions on love, relationships, career, family life or other areas in their life that they need insight. I’ll deliver your readings in a humble and professional manner, offering you your choices and acting like a mirror in which you can clearly see what has to be done.

Claire D | Pin: 7294
Hi I’m Claire and I am a natural born spiritual medium and spiritual healer. I have been aware of my psychic senses since I was a child; my mum was also a medium and regularly used to practice spiritual healing and meditation with me whilst I was growing up.
I use my skills to communicate with guides and also your own higher self through the senses of clairaudience (the ability to hear), clairsentience (the ability to feel), clairvoyance (the ability to see) and claircognizance (the ability to know); These abilities help to provide you with guidance in all areas of life.
I have been reading for clients for many years whilst also teaching others to meditate and connect with guides themselves. I’m not a speculator and can only tell you what the guides tell me, however they are always with us, they know us sometimes better than we know ourselves and will always provide guidance for our highest good to help us through our life path. I am also a fully qualified Reiki Master and spiritual healer. I work for you for the highest good and offer guidance with purity and love always.
Thank you for reading and I look forward to connecting with you and supporting you on your journey through life. Love and blessings, Claire xx
Status: Offline
Rating: 4.5556

Renetta | Pin: 7173
I am an Empathic & Patient Reader / Listener / Psychic Advisor. I Have Over 30 Years Experience in Esoteric & Astrological Work including featuring in the Media & TV. I am A Natural Psychic, Medium, Card reader and Empath. Some of my other skills Include Angel Cards, Crystals, Life Coaching, Numerology, Psychic Development, Dream Analysis, Remote Viewing, Clairaudience, Clairsentience, Tarot, Reiki & Spiritual Healing, Aura Readings, Pendulum and Runes.
Coming from a long line of Spiritual Mediums, Psychics & Healers, including my Grandma & Great Grandma who helped form and run a local Spiritualist Church. I can also link in with your pets & other animals. I can help you move on from your past and deal with the present to go on to a better & brighter future. I am also a practicing Wiccan. I look forward to reading for you and speaking to you soon. Blessed be.
Status: Offline
Rating: 4.375

Sophie | Pin: 6696
Hi, I’m Sophie, and I am a very compassionate natural psychic reader with over 30 years of professional experience. I enjoy reading in areas of career and work, your destiny and life path, along with compatibility between two parties based on astrology.
When I read for you, I will mainly use my cards in conjunction with my natural psychic abilities and my guides, in order to give you as much guidance and insight as I can during my readings. I feel that it is very important to be compassionate and honest during my readings, as I feel that this may strengthen the bond between us, which allows me to guide you along your life path in the best possible way.
Besides giving readings, I spend a lot of my free time meditating with my crystals, and developing my psychic skills; I have felt that I was a psychic since I was 12 years old, and have spent a great deal of time since then developing these psychic skills to become the reader that I am today. So, for a direct yet uplifting reading, give me a call today!
Status: Offline
Rating: 4.4

Grace | Pin: 4637
I’m Grace and I have been psychic all my life. I am very straight forward with my readings and aim to show you the possible ways forward so you can make your own decisions. I am a natural psychic and empathic and use a mixture of these together with the traditional and angel cards, the pendulum, crystal ball, remote viewing and dream analysis. I am an experienced psychic and will aim to give straight forward guidance in many different situations.
Status: Busy
Rating: 4.7143

Jean Genie | Pin: 7001
About Jean Genie – Compassionate Natural Psychic
Welcome, I am Jean Genie, a compassionate natural psychic with over 30 years’ experience. Alongside my natural psychic ability, I use a range of tools to help my clients, including my Crystal Ball, Crystals, Chakra Work, in addition to being a Dream Analyst. Experience in a range of readings, I mainly focus on Love Readings.
I am a down to earth, honest person and love to connect with people. I am unique and would never compare myself to another reader as we are all unique. During my spare time, I’m a regular at the gym, keeping my body in shape helps me keep my mind tuned into my psychic skills. I enjoy walking my two lovely dogs, Piper and Daisy, and love life. Every day is a bonus.
My favourite inspirational quote was said to me by my mum: “Treat people the way you want to be treated.” If you’re in need of a Natural Psychic, I am always available to help give you guidance.
Status: Offline
Rating: 4.5

Shay | Pin: 7257
I am an empathetic, natural psychic, medium and work with my guides. I have been working professionally for around 5 years now, but have had psychic abilities since I was a child.
I have a spiritually healing aura and just by conversing with me you will feel uplifted and tranquil. I can bring insight to your questions through conversing with spirit guides and can help guide you to solutions. I use my third eye where I receive visions and messages. I am a poet and for me it’s the same as when I am deciding the energy of a rose, to write a poem about that particular rose. Everything is frequency and I am able to differentiate between frequencies and translate them back to the client.
Please be open and relaxed, the more precise your query /questions / the more you can get out of a reading. I look forward to working with you.
Status: Offline
Rating: 4

Indigo’s Oracle | Pin: 7022
Hello I am Indigo’s Oracle. I have had psychic experiences since I was a child and have been developing my psychic skills and abilities for over 20 years. My work is influenced from many traditions, cultures and mystical practices. I am a “path finder” and support others with their development, direction and guidance.
I have had training to enhance my natural psychic skills from many different teachers. Some teachers for psychic skills, some for Spiritual healing and other things. My work as reader gives insight to those that need guidance on their life journey as well as direction with their own development.
I’m a trained natural psychic and I work with my senses along with many tools, such as crystal ball, tea leaves and cards – I am also a devoted wife and proud mother of my little Starseed. The readings I give are for encouragement, guidance and comfort and I have great pleasure reading for clients world wide.
As my beloved once said
“how can you be lost if you don’t know where your going?”
Let me be the guiding “Star” showing you the way..
Status: Offline
Rating: 4.5882

Charlie | Pin: 7251
I’m Charles, a professional psychic reader, direct and to the point. Whether it’s a quick query you want guidance with, or a full in-depth reading, I am always happy to help and offer my spiritual advice.
It’s easy to get lost in your own circumstances, unable to find the answers or see the way forward. There is always a way, but sometimes we just need to have someone who can help guide us. Readings can shine a light on the situation and help guide you on your path ahead. Let me be the one to shine that light for you today.
There’s no question too big or too small. Whether it’s a quick query you want guidance with, or a full in-depth reading, I am always happy to help and offer my spiritual advice.
Like with everyone else there is so much more to every one of us to narrow down in a few questions, that said, I cannot think of anything else to add. All I can say is that, I always believe that life is amazing and if I can leave a client realising how special they are, I know I have done my job. If I can also help them be ready for all that’s coming up, good or bad, then even better.
Thank you for reading, and I look forward to connecting with you.
Status: Offline
Rating: 4.7778

Angel Star | Pin: 7303
I am Angel Star. I am a compassionate empath with a loving welcoming nature. I am intuitive and a natural psychic and spiritual healer.
I would describe my readings as honest, uplifting and enlightening.
I enjoy giving people insight and being able to help through my guides.
I like to make music and draw
My favourite quote would be: “We are one with the universe”
Status: Offline
Rating: 3.3333

Masquerade | Pin: 7094
“The inward journey is about finding your own fullness, something that no one else can take away.” – Deepak Chopra
Hello, I’m Masquerade and welcome to my “about” page.
Life is not a puzzle, if you know the missing piece. Let me unravel those areas of concern in your life with the help of my Psychic and daily life experiences.
I am a natural psychic empath and Tarot card reader with almost 10 years of experience. I can bring spiritual healing to you through reiki and crystals, along with insight in many general areas of your life.
I have experience with Angel Cards, Chakra balance and Astrology. I often like to use my knowledge on astrology to see what can be gained from a person’s date of birth and the small astrological aspects that are part of their unique makeup as a person; My favourite tool to use however, is my pendulum. As well as using it for guidance, I can use the pendulum as a channelling tool for long distance spiritual healing too!
A bit about my personality – The biggest passion that I have, originates in painting. Variating styles is fun, though I mostly tend to gravitate towards painting still life, landscapes and wild, exotic animals. When not painting I’ll go out into nature, and take in all of my surroundings. It helps me to reconnect with my abilities, energizing my base chakra and will often absorb the scenery around me in serene silence. I incorporate this by sometimes going outside to paint, gain inspiration this way to create more on canvas. My favourite hobbies go hand in hand!
I look forward to reading for you!
Status: Offline
Rating: 4.4286

Stephen T | Pin: 7237
Hello my name is Ste and I am also known as LittleLight. I have been a practicing reader for about 25 years now, so I have plenty of experience behind me, however I have had my psychic gifts all my life.
I am a natural psychic, medium, clairvoyant and I am very empathetic, which I feel best comes across during a mediumship reading. I have also used tarot cards for the past 16 years which I feel help open a client up and knock down the walls that are causing blockages.
If you are looking for a reading relating to career and work, love/relationships, general, house moves and relocations, or even if you have lost an object? I am happy to help.
Status: Offline
Rating: 4.625

Natalie Thomas | Pin: 4524
Hello I’m Natalie, and I have been working as a psychic for over 10 years. I work predominantly with the cards, the pendulum and the crystal ball. I am also a writer and have had four books published. I have also appeared on radio and TV. I can guide you on many situations including relationships, career and life path. I am an Empath and work with crystals, cards, pendulum, dream analysis and the crystal ball. I am also an animal communicator and life coach in addition to being a natural psychic.
Status: Offline
Rating: 4.5833

Moon Kinnaird | Pin: 4514
Greetings friends,
My name is Moon and I am what is known in the psychic trade, as a Rune Reader. Runes are just like any other psychic tool, they give us access to that unknown space where we can see, feel and hear about certain aspects of your life. He is also Clairvoyant, Clairsentient and Clairaudient.
Let me tell you about my story. As a toddler I spent a lot of time with my Grandma who was also Rune Reader or in old High Norse a “Runic Vitki”, which means someone who does everything with the runes. Needless to say my childhood was interesting as bedtime stories were all about the myths and legends of Odin, Thor & Loki and you could say that I knew the Futhark (the Runic Alphabet) before I knew my proper ABC’s.
I am also an empathic remote viewer which means I can feel the emotions of a person if they are connected with you, which is very useful should you need to gauge how a certain somebody feels towards you. I am also logical and humble and it is with this, along with my psychic skills, that I offer to you in any reading.
Call me today and lets wander through your life with the runes and me as our guide.
Status: Offline
Rating: 4.7727

Queen Léonie | Pin: 6791
Hello I am Queen Léonie. I am a natural, compassionate, and straight talking psychic reader with 25 years’ experience. I like to use my cards, crystals, and spirit guides to provide guidance and insight for my callers. I feel it’s important to get straight to the heart of concerns, small, medium or large. My callers tend to ask me for love and relationship insight or to look at their careers and work paths. I enjoy being able to work with someone who has passion and wants to push themselves.
I will start my readings using my cards and giving you the general insight I pick up around you. Then we can move on to my spirit guides and the questions you have. It is vital to me that you are relaxed and comfortable before we go ahead. I first noticed my psychic senses when I was a child. I found it a little strange for a while. When I was in my 20’s I decided to follow the path, and develop myself as a psychic and I have never been happier.
My main hobby is traveling. I have family around the world and adore visiting them all. Self-improvement is a big part of my life and I enjoy educating myself at every opportunity. My most inspirational quote comes from my beloved Grandmother – “Make new friends but keep the old one is Silver & the other Gold”.
Status: Offline
Rating: 4.7143

Zodiac | Pin: 7067
Hello. I am an intuitive, natural, psychic empath. I am deeply passionate about the psychic world and can give a unique, male perspective in my readings.
I can work no tools/ free hand, along with my tarot cards, crystal ball and pendulum for additional insight if needed, however I work mainly with the tarot, combined with my own intuition. I also have experience with animal communication and dream analyst.
I have been reading professionally now for up to 5 years, however I have had psychic experiences since I was young and psychic ability runs in my family.
I enjoy guiding others through life’s obstacles. Most people approach me for a reading around their relationships, so this is my main area of focus, however I can also look at career and work.
Thank you for reading my profile. If you are looking for a patient, sympathetic and uplifting reader, then please give me a call.
Status: Offline
Rating: 4.55

Rocki | Pin: 7163
I’m an empathic intuitive. I’ve recently gone through a considerable change which has heightened my natural psychic abilities. I have been studying the Hermetic Philosophy and Yoga which has lead me to really see the psyche from a very different angle.
I predominantly read Tarot but I also work with the Animal spirits, and I love to drum and use my voice to heal and connect with my higher self. I’m happiest out in nature, my favourite season is Spring (although I honour the magic of all the seasons), and my latest interest is in tapping into the mysteries of the Runes.
I am an Earth Angel, very much aware of the energies at play here in the physical world. I can tap into your situation dynamics with ease and use my Tarot deck to help further visualise your obstacles and the tools that you can use to overcome them. My readings are direct and delivered with love and integrity.
I don’t read time, so don’t ask me when :). Everything is very much dependant on many circumstances and you are very much in charge of your own destiny and taking the appropriate steps towards whatever you want to achieve in your life.
Call me if you’d like a guidance with these steps, if you’re feeling stuck and want to understand your way forward.
Much Love, and I look forward to speaking with you.
My favourite quote is: What you are is what you have been, what you will be is what you do now. – Buddha
Status: Offline
Rating: 4.4

Peter Johnson | Pin: 5044
I have been Psychic since I was a small child. My Psychic abilities developed through development circles and through my Guides. I work with honesty, light and truth together with my American Animal and Medicine cards. For an in-depth, positive and up-lifting reading give him me call today.
Status: Offline
Rating: 4.7059

Freddie Valentine | Pin: 4613
My name is Freddie Valentine. I am A friendly, compassionate natural psychic and tarot card reader who has been giving readings for over 25 years. As a child I was always drawn to this area and felt there was something there. I got my first deck of tarot cards when I was very young and connected with them which started a lifelong obsession!
I am direct, positive and to the point and I like to keep my readings upbeat and positive. I can do Aura readings, Automatic writing, Animal communication, Chakra work and Colour therapy and I can use my Crystal ball, Pendulum or work No Tools / Freehand. I work mainly hands free however I love using tarot cards most of all. I have been using them for as long as I can remember and find I connect with them easily. When I’m naturally tuning in they provide extra insight on the situation I’m focussing on.
I cover many different types of areas but often give love and career readings. I like to get focussed directly on the area you are concerned about and keep my readings free of waffle!
“A mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t work if it’s not open” – Frank Zappa
Status: Offline
Rating: 4.75

Andy | Pin: 7227
I am a compassionate psychic/medium with over 20 yrs of experience. I love working with my guides and the Tarot cards to help where I can and guide you on your journey. This all started for me when I was young and would have psychic experiences, when I was in my 20s I started to develop my skills further.
I like to start my readings by explaining how I work, so that we can avoid any confusion. My aim is to make sure that you are comfortable and leave the reading feeling more positive and enlightened – I love nothing more than knowing my clients are leaving with a smile on their face.
Thank you for visiting my profile. I hope to connect with you soon!
Status: Offline
Rating: 4.7273

Faith | Pin: 4652
Hello I’m Faith! I always try to bring my smile and giggle onto the show and believe that lifts the energies for new and regular callers. Just a few minutes with me and I will show you just how much my psychic senses mean to me. I am serious about spirituality and passionate about all things psychic and I believe this shows. I like to think I know how to shine.
I’m a psychic, as well as being a spiritual healer, and work with a huge variety of tools including cards, a crystal ball and pendants as well as the sixth sense. With over thirteen years’ experience, I am focused on lifting spirits, and guiding you to get your life back on a positive track all while making you feel uplifted.
Status: Offline
Rating: 5

Indigo Crystal | Pin: 6161
I’m Indigo Crystal, I’m a natural born psychic and come from a long line of psychics. I’m Clairalience, Clairgustance, and Claircognizance and love to read on many different situations from love and relationship to career. I believe I have a gentle touch to the reading however I get straight to the point if asked to do so. You will hopefully leave the reading with a positive attitude and with my special form of personalised guidance.
Status: Offline
Rating: 4.8333

Sabrina | Pin: 6699
Hi, I’m Sabrina, and I am a 5th generation non-judgemental, caring and compassionate natural psychic reader with over 15 years of experience. I am open to discuss almost any topic, however my preferred areas are love and relationships, career and work, and your destiny and life path.
When you come through to me for the first time, I will briefly introduce myself and explain how I work. I do feel that it is important to reassure you that I will not judge you based on what you say to me, as this can allow you to feel more relaxed and open. My sole purpose during my readings is to guide you along the best possible life path in the direction that you would like to go.
When I read for you, I will mainly use my natural psychic abilities, as I find that these alone give me a very deep level of insight into your situation, and often this is all I need to guide you along your life path. However, I can also use the cards when requested in order to gain a wider view of your situation.
I remember that I was around 5 years old when I first discovered my psychic skills. When I didn’t understand what they were, so I spoke to my mother. She explained that it was a gift that had been passed down through the generations in our family. It was at that point that I decided that I wanted to develop these psychic skills and use them as much as possible, so I set off on the long road to become a professional psychic reader.
Besides giving readings, I also love spending time with my husband and children, as well as other friends and members of my family. I am particularly inspired by a quote from my mother: “Always listen to your heart and do what’s right.” So, for an honest and inspirational reading, give me a call today!
Status: Offline
Rating: 4.1667

Dani Star | Pin: 6762
I am a natural psychic empath and tarot reader with over 20 years of experience and I noticed my abilities when I was just a child. I can interpret dreams and use my skills as an empath to pick up on what my clients need to do to overcome certain situations. I have a profound sensitivity towards people’s energy and one of my skills is to pick up on what may be causing obstacles. I know how to harness positive energies and use them as a guide to succour client’s to a better understanding of how to move forward in the best way possible. I would class myself as a compassionate, enlightening and positive reader, able to give you insight into career/work, emotional insight and empathy, house moves/relocations or love/relationship.
My favourite tool is the tarot cards and dream interpretations. I have strong ability in combining these two skills and find that they can be useful in bringing different insight into situations where there have been long term obstacles. Along with this, I can also do animal communication, astrology, dream analyst, numerology, psychic development and spiritual healing.
I prefer to see what I can pick up for new clients with as little information as possible. I will tune into to your energy remotely through the cards as this way I find I can get the best connection. I like to put my clients at ease and let them know that my utmost goal is to support them and provide answers for their questions.
In my spare time, I enjoy doing yoga, growing fruit and vegetables, reading and travelling. I also love animals and my favourite quote is “If plan A doesn’t work the alphabet has 24 more letters” – stay cool.
Status: Offline
Rating: 4.625

Psychic Ivi | Pin: 7236
For around 10 years now, I have been working professionally as a psychic medium. This means that I am able to connect with energies, as well as guide people in areas such as love and relationships, general readings and priorities in one’s life.
I have always known that I had psychic abilities, as far back as I can remember. As a child, I could sense different energies and this developed into me being able to read people and their situations. I finally made the decision to turn my abilities into a career, and have never looked back since.
I am constantly furthering my knowledge in this field, attending various workshops and events to continue honing my skills. Additionally, I offer distance readings through email or phone.
About me:
I have always been confident in my ability to help others. I am able to see their Aura and the energies around them, as well as their chakras. If they have any blockages which prevent them from living the life of their dreams, I can help clear those blockages. I also have the ability of remote viewing, so if you are wondering how a particular person is doing but you lost contact, I can remote view it for you and give you information that may just bring comfort to you.
Tools and Skills:
When reading Tarot cards, I use the symbology of the cards along with numerical significance to give a reading. It is a true blessing for me to be able to do this work and have a strong connection with my higher self. My other area of expertise is animal communication – something which fascinates me greatly! Animals have so much to teach us, and I am able to bridge the communication gap between human and animal.
If you are looking for guidance in any area of your life, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I look forward to connecting with you and helping you on your journey. Blessings!
Status: Offline
Rating: 4.8333

Chloe | Pin: 7015
I am a sympathetic and down to earth empath with 20 years’ experience in Tarot. I have experience in Life Coaching, Dream Analysis, Remote Viewing and spiritual healing.
I am a natural empath and I connect with my clients energy using my heightened spiritual abilities to get to the root of the problem. I will always remain open minded, sympathetic and compassionate. In identifying the issues that are holding my client back, I can offer guidance for the problems at hand, offering an empowering result enabling my client to move forward positively and with direction.
I love Tarot because it gives insight. As an artist myself, I see things visually, so the artwork in the cards is incredibly important. The imagery helps me to engage with my spiritual insight and I am able to convey this message easily with my clients. I am a bachelor of fine art and feel my sensitivity to the inner workings of our mind helps me to reflect on life on a deeper level. I am pretty well read on dream analysis too, so often ask my client’s about their dreams. At times, this can give a different perspective on what is going on in their lives too.
I like to ensure that my callers are comfortable and well informed about what a reading with myself entails. Most importantly, they are relaxed and understand that we are all in control of our own fate and there is nothing scary about using a spiritual connection to look at our lives. Finally, I like to find out what they want to get out of the reading and that they are happy to proceed.
I am a mother and I love going out into nature with my children and learning about the wonders of the world. I am an artist as well, and putting my creativity into drawing, painting and finding weird and wonderful things in charity shops has become a bit of an unhealthy obsession!
My favourite inspirational quote is “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
This saying is represented in all religions and beliefs in different ways. If we all loved and lived like this, our world would be a better place.
Down-to-earth, Uplifting, Sympathetic
Status: Available
Rating: 4.5652

Jules | Pin: 4505
Hello I’m Jules. I have been a practicing Psychic, Medium, Channeller, Soul Plan Practitioner and Reiki Master for over 30 years, based in England. My preferred areas to read on are Manifestation and Laws of Attraction, Destiny and Life Path, Love and Relationships, and Moon Phase Practices. I am also available to provide psychic development readings for my clients and share the experiences garnered over three decades of bringing compassionate and straight-forward insight and guidance to many.
I became aware of my psychic abilities during childhood. I was born this way, and I’m at least a third-generation Psychic Medium. As a Soul Plan Practitioner, which is a unique path to follow, I can provide insight into your soul pathway and destiny – based on your birth name. I am also a psychic artist and like to draw energies, guides, symbolic images, including automatic writing. For first time callers, my compassion will guide you through the reading with the aid of my guides. I begin by explaining how my psychic reading will be given, then I tune in and connect to your energies and proceed with the reading, letting you know what messages and guidance I receive for you. Questions from my clients during the readings are always welcomed. The most important thing to consider in a psychic reading with me, is for the client to remain open to receiving the information and to reflect on it afterwards. This is usually done by taking notes. As I’m a channeler, a lot of the insight is flowing from me, sometimes quite fast! I don’t have a favourite tool; I love to work with them all and each reading is bespoke to my client. During the call, I work with the aid of my guides and my Clairvoyant, Clairaudient, Clairsentient, and Claircognizant abilities. When using tools, I tend to work with the one’s that compliment my natural psychic skills or by request of the caller. The tools I use are: Tarot, Oracle Cards, Crystals, Chakra’s, Numerology, Pendulum, Colour Divination and Therapy and Soul Plan techniques.
I have now also gained a diploma in Feng Shui with excellence (April 2023).
Alongside my Psychic work, I am a Professional Fine Artist, Researcher, Silversmith and Designer and I recently graduated as a Master of Arts by Research. My passions are the natural world, wildlife, creativity, music, and movies – but most of all, I love spending time with my family, friends, and pets. My most inspired quote is “Minds are like parachutes, they only function when they’re open” by Thomas Dewar.
Status: Offline
Rating: 4.6875