Hello I’m Joe, a Natural Psychic who has been practicing and utilising my senses for over 27 years. Using a direct, focused and compassionate approach, I aim to connect through voice vibrations, giving me a connection and insight on the throat Chakra. From there on I look to connect with the remaining Chakras, building my focus to concentrate on the client’s Aura.
I see myself as a dedicated Psychic, I like to sense quite quickly if my customer is nervous with me. To combat this I will ask you to focus, take a long deep breath and release any uncomfortable, negative energy. I will then explain my method and how I will apply it to connect with you. Should you be uncertain of my explanation I am more than happy for you to stop me at any point.
I engage with you, aiming always to give you a light, positive and uplifting reading. Prominent colours and energies can appear to me through the Auras and Chakras I am connecting to. These will always be unique to the person I am reading for, the variety and intensity of colours I can see will give me insight into why someone is possibly feeling the way they are and I can then give insight on how I feel they may be in the near future. Through my distinctive style I can offer my own special kind of insight, giving you guidance and possible points to focus on for their future.
I connect with several Guides to channel my abilities, who are always on hand to provide me with strong guidance and support whenever I require it. I can connect to my Guides by using meditation techniques that I use throughout my readings.
I knew from an early age that I had something different and enchanting. Just by looking at a person or a picture I often saw colour surrounding them, and soon began to associate this to peoples’ moods or scenarios.
A reading with me is like one you may not have experienced before. My meditation, inspirational readings and versatile style inspire people to move forwards in a positive and tranquil manner. I currently live in Thailand enjoying life to the full. My hobbies include performing arts, painting, reading, writing, caring for animals, photography and good food. I would also like to study Psychokinesis and Metamorphosis, allowing me to broaden my psychic senses and interests. I believe my versatility makes for a distinctive, individual reading that you will recall with a sense of definition giving you a considerable amount of guidance and focus for you to build on in the future.
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